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The crown does not take away the headache

 The crown does not take away the headache

A crown does not take away a headache

Many people think that an abundance of money, a high name, and a person’s fame will take away a headache, and that if their possessions increase and their trade expands, they will live comfortably. Perhaps they will luxuriate without a soul, and enjoy themselves without a soul. The crowns of kings, even if If they had gold and diamonds, they would not make them happy, as they would relieve them of insomnia and headaches. So how will we relieve them of insomnia and anxiety? I am happy to tell you the secret of removal: to live simply, even if you have a lot of money. Live normally and do not be extravagant, and read the following paragraph to know what is meant. From the book Life Skills by Ibrahim Al-Shamlan
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